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In a study, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky revealed that 40% of your happiness is due to intentional thoughts, actions, and behaviors. 0.4 Magazine is a print and online editorial focused on *that* 40%: highlighting evidence-based ways we can increase our happiness.


The goal for 0.4 is to inspire, educate, provide a community and share perspectives.



In order to be happier, you have to cover all your bases: your bodymind, and heart. Though the three parts are divided in 0.4 for sake of organization, they are inevitably connected.


Each section


I read numerous books in the research phase of 0.4 Magazine. However, the most inspirational content I digested early on in the process was an OnBeing podcast with Ellen Langer, where she discussed mindfulness and neuroplasticity.



In a study, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky revealed that 40% of your happiness is due to intentional thoughts, actions, and behaviors. 0.4 Magazine is a print and online editorial focused on *that* 40%: highlighting evidence-based ways we can increase our happiness.

Research & Testing


A lot of what informed the content strategy of 0.4 was my own trial and error: testing the science on myself to see what worked and didn't.


A few things that worked:


  • I enrolled in a Positive Psych class with Tim Bono at WashU and applied what I learned from his lectures to my life

  • I followed plant-based recipes by Rosanna Davison, who was a nutritionist

  • I started meditating and 're-framing'

  • I even deleted Facebook (didn't have Instagram at the time)


I noticed all of these small changes made big differences to my mental and physical health.


Back to Testing


When I moved to NYC at the end of 2018, I had another down. I felt like none of the stuff I had learned before was really helping so I went back to the drawing board. Desperate for a change in perspective, I turned to research.


I wanted to know how the inspirational people in my life maintained their happiness so I designed a set of 21 questions and called it 'Periodical Perspectives.' 


From a design perspective, this was research.


Business: Selling the First Issue


Toward the end of May, I decided to release the first print issue of the magazine.


I emailed bookstores and walked into stores in LA, Seattle and NYC with a copy of the issue in my hand pitching the magazine.


0.4 Magazine is currently sold in select stores in NYC, LA, Seattle, Portland, and has now also been sold internationally.

In a study, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky revealed that 40% of your happiness is due to intentional thoughts, actions, and behaviors. 0.4 Magazine is a print and online editorial focused on *that* 40%: highlighting evidence-based ways we can increase our happiness.

Business: 0.4 Magazine Swag


I also set up an online store for 0.4 Magazine, with original designs.


A few of the offerings include:


— iPhone cases

— tapestries

— stationary


The Medium Is the Message


Each media outlet has a different goal.


1. The print magazine aims to deliver content in a packaged, research-focused way. It is the most scientific end of the spectrum -- with every article linking back to some scientific study.


2. The online platform is an opportunity to include other perspectives and use motion, interaction design, and the digital experience to enhance the user experience.


3. The Instagram is a way to test out designs to see what resonates with the community. Business analytics allow me to see what resonates the most so I test different captions, aesthetics, and so forth to try and communicate an authentic and well-shared message.



You deserve happiness and you will be happier if you put in the work. As social psychologist Dan Gilbert says, “We synthesize happiness, but we think it is a thing to be found.” 

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