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Resume Now

Helping Job Seekers

Put Their Best Foot Forward

Role: Designer (UX + Visual) at Pilot Lab

Artboard 2 copy.png


Propose a new and refreshed design direction for ‘Resume Now’ that influences the look & feel of the product, as well as the future UX and UI design.

Client: BOLD


Resume Now is a job builder product that enables job seekers to create custom resumes to send out to potential employers. The challenge was to maintain its current customer base but refresh both the UX and visual design of the product.


Working with a team at Pilot Lab, I helped develop a vision for a new way of job searching.


Envisioning a New Way of Job Searching

Working with BOLD's internal design team, we chose a few key steps of the process to focus our efforts on and iterate. We interviewed key stakeholders at BOLD to understand their goals so we could integrate them into the design, both visually and experientially.


We focused on a few key steps of the process to iterate on.

These included Onboarding, Building a Resume, and Searching for Jobs.

1 Brand

Refresh of current brand

The client didn't want to lose current users so the challenge was to maintain the relationship to the original logo, while providing an elegant refresh.

Moodboard: "Clear"


Logo: Before & After


2 Explorations

Early Vignettes

Working with BOLD's internal team, we focused on iterating on a few key screens to envision future brand applications and UX solutions. Rather than get caught up in the details, we focused on rapid iteration and broad ideas.


During this phase, I looked at a number of form-entry design patterns on the market — such as Dropbox and Typeform to inform the ways ResumeNow could improve.


Selected Vignettes:

Some Explorations


3 Final Visions

Vision Screens: Form Entry

Vision screens included:

— in-context editing capabilities

— a more focused UI

— data vis to rapidly inform users of personalized data regarding their profile, application status, etc

— filters for job searching


Below are the final screens we handed off to the client:

Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 7.07.39 PM.png

4 Style Guide

Style Guide

As part of our handoff to the internal team, we also put together a lightweight style guide to help guide them in future ResumeNow designs. The Style Guide included UI, a photography mood board (as well as a shared folder on UnSplash), a color palette and font.


We also provided designs for marketing material to show how the brand and its kit of parts could be applied to a range of collateral.


Homepage Design & Marketing Collateral

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